

I have a mentor that has taught me a valuable lesson.  She was having brain surgery and the scheduled operation was a month away.  Can you imagine that!  There was a lot of undue stress in that waiting period. She decided that she had nothing to lose and everything to gain if she would start having a relationship with God.  She didn't know where to begin because her life was focused on a successful career and God wasn't included.  So she simply PRAYED!  

She reached out into nothingness and decided to have faith that God heard her. She decided there was a reason she was having this experience. The foundation of her life was shaken to the core. It was time to slow down and prioritize her life because there may not be more time for her. 

She wanted to start Anew. Balance became the topic that occupied her mind.  She bought a planner and set new goals.  Goals that would have meaning--such as including FAMILY into her busy work schedule. She set time schedules and stuck to it. She disciplined herself to balance work, family, friends and rest time.

To make a long story short, my mentor has healed. She now lives a very productive, successful life that includes her family.  I mean really successful, more so than before. She discovered that now is the time to express LOVE and to be of service to all the people you know and care about. She set boundaries, kept her planner and found balance in her life. I love her story.

We are all threads in the fabric of life.  We are all connected within this fountain of Life.  We can choose to see the glass half full and look for opportunities for our own personal growth.  Our growth can be as simple as listening to personal growth tapes on you tube. You will be inspired and learn discipline. You will have control of your life instead of allowing life to control you.



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