Fragrance of Loving!

Fragrance of Loving!

I sometimes get a swift smell of the fragrance of loving.  My heart opens wide and there is not a thing in sight that I'm not in love with.  These moments are however:  very fleeting!  It comes and goes and some moments are so intense that all I see is my own volatile state.

Today is a day of beauty!  I feel and taste the sweet scent of life.  I wish that this day, this moment, this second could last forever.  I wonder why this feeling is so intense at times and lesser at other times.  I noticed that when I try to recapture these moments on my own accord, I feel uneasy and unnatural.

Then one sweet morning, I awaken to such "LOVE" and "KNOWING" that it's almost impossible to describe!  I get the sense that if only this would last forever.  If only I could share with all the people that I encounter, for we are all brothers and sisters.  But words won't come, opportunities are stifled and the moment passes.

I'm beginning to understand that with perseverance and patience, all good things come to those that want it.  It is a gift of living life in the best state that we know how to do at the moment.  It is my loving way to share with all those that I love (and that includes everyone) that all we have is now.  This is the moment to be kind, caring, loving and helpful.  

Enjoy Life!  Make each moment count!  Change what can be changed to your liking!  You are blessed!  You are Life!  Most importantly--YOU ARE LOVE!


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