

The ancient wisdom speaks of establishing a strong sense of self that is within us. To be an initiate on the path of self realization requires discipline.  We can learn to understand that there is a higher self within our physical body.  That higher self within will help us develop senses that go beyond our physical mind.  We will realize that energy is immortal, it changes but never dies.  Science confirms.

We witness degradation all around us and we contemplate the "whys".  We try to separate ourselves from this energy because it ignites questions we don't have answers to.  But the Ancient Wisdom of times past states to create
ANEW you, we can learn to establish an inner sanctuary within ourselves. We can learn to develop a strong sense of self knowing that this inner light within us is our God Source.  It will make us aware of the power within and unlock our creativity. 

Simple steps on the path of awakening our consciousness warns of self criticism or self defending.  Patterns that will hold us back and cause dis-ease within our bodies.  We are encouraged to be in the world but not part of it by acceptance of all that is.  The inner light reflects our perfect selves and welcomes the opportunity for us to realize that the God inner light is you SHAPED!  This new energy pattern will help us to heal and we will understand the limitlessness of our nature.  This is our heritage.  


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