

I wake up each morning and decide how to start my day.  Is there an appointment that I need to keep? Is it bookkeeping time?  Does the yard need tending? What will be on the menu for the day?  I'm sure my day planner is no different that any other person starting their day. However, I wonder how many of us dare to DREAM?  How many of us speculate on living a different life, as a different person, in  another place doing what you love? 

Dreaming is the start of that evolution! It's not to say that your life isn't perfect the way it is.....it's about experiences.  What would life be without our daily experiences?  A friendly "hello" to a passerby, eye contact, opening the door for anyone, complimenting one another, finding the good in all that you witness and feeling alive!

We are all directors of our own lives and we can make of it anything that we want it to be.  In each moment we are always choosing.  What is it that you want to experience in your life?  Well, start by dreaming--dream BIG--feel the feeling, imagine that it's possible and events will unfold to help you master your dream.  BELIEVE, love, care and walk in those footsteps and that in and of itself will make you feel incredible.  You will have something to look forward to again and again.

Strive for enjoying the good graces that life has to offer.  I guarantee that you will be contributing to a grander prettier picture of the world.  Imagine a DREAM that suits you and ENJOY!


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