

Ugghh! I hate exercise.  I don't have time.  What's the point?  We're all going to age, we're just postponing the process. It's painful. Who's going to watch my children? Excuses.  We've all been there right?  The ebb and flow of life.  We all have cycles and we must respect that.  So let's approach exercising from a different point of view.

We all have that favorite dress or picture of that dress or clothing article that we remember.  We liked the color, the texture, the way it felt on your body and yes,  you looked amazing in it.  Alright, we do live in a visual society and everyone enjoys a compliment. But as my thinking and body matures, I want to really understand the health benefits of exercising.

Vanity speaks and tells us for every calorie we ingest, equal exercise pursues.  It sounds like a chore to discipline yourself and the reward is punishment.  So we join the crowd, set a goal and often times reach it only to go back to old habits.  Oh, what's the use? Well, now's the time to change our mindset about the health benefits we receive to assist us with the aging process.

I exercise because I love the flexibility it provides me.  I feel my joints loosening and I'm not so stiff anymore.  The pain in my back isn't as intense and I can move more freely.  I love walking.  Exercise provides good meditation and it's my time to enjoy nature and all the small creatures I witness. 

If we learn to change our mindset about exercising , we will not only see the health benefits--but feel it. The purpose of exercising is to help us gracefully enter into our advanced years not only looking good--but feeling great! One small step at a time, is such an emphatically true statement.  The Ultimate Challenge is to let go of old beliefs and to start ANEW!


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