

As I walked into this house on Wichman Street, Walterboro South Carolina, I felt as it was serendipity that bought us here. Unintentionally finding a piece of valuable property by happen chance seemed incredibly fortunate. To make a discover as such was fascinating because this neglected home needed some tender loving care and hard work!

Primed for the right person to help it regain its original beauty was the nightly dreams of this magnificent structure. To assist it's foundation to it's original strength was the work of strong, hard working men. Many long, arduous days looked forward to pleasant evenings when soaking in a claw foot tub would be relaxing. 

This journey was getting more exciting daily as we met the people of this small, charming community.  The young men and women in this Southern town is very polite and always address us as Ma'am or Sir.  It is a refreshing change.  To witness and to be part of recreating this home that was built in 1890 was intoxicating. 

The historical  make-up of this little town dates back to 1783 where families would come to Walterboro to escape malaria and other diseases from the low country marshlands.  Many occasions I had the uncanning feeling like I was here before.  Was it serendipity that brought us here or was it fate?  The development of events beyond a person's control, determined by a supernatural power, a higher power is explained by this lovely word fate. 

Our egos tell us that we choose our situations.  We set goals and work hard to fulfill them. Then we experience  deja vu. You meet someone special or land that perfect job that was suited just for you.  You feel the divine guidance of something that is bigger or more powerful than you.  You feel the love and you succumb to it.  You laugh at yourself for thinking that you were in control.  You tell me, is Life serendipitous or is it FATE!


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