

Why do we stay in Prison, when the door is wide open? ~Rumi

Hope is a precious commodity in the uncertainty of Life. We hope for the best when someone is sick or in trouble. But I've learned that hope has a deeper meaning.  It's a force that gives us more understanding to how each day unfolds.  Hope has enormous power.

We can fear uncertainty and try to control every detail of our lives.  Or we can embrace uncertainty and trust that there is wisdom behind the seemingly uncontrollable chaos that is haunting our lives.
Hope can inspire us to realize that there is something bigger than us.  It's a  positive force that can help expand our state of awareness.

Hope is our source of strength of pure potentiality. Hope and fear can not occupy the same space, to quote Maya Angelou.  So why not choose a hopeful one in the uncertainty of Life?

Hope~a steady process of events that leads to the awakening of the power of LOVE!


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