

I've pondered over this word synchronicity for days and I wonder why.  It simply means a meaningful coincidence.  But to further define this word by Carl Jung, German Psychologist, he suggests that events in the external world align the experience of the individual, perhaps mirroring or echoing personal concerns or thoughts.  Now this changes the ball game for me.  What was first stated as a meaningful coincidence is now profoundly saying that my thoughts created the event.  Hmmmmm!

So within, so without--is expressing the same idea. You become what you think about, another idiom.  You reap what you sow, the bible states.  Why is this so surprising to me I ask myself?  It appears to me that I am always looking for answers on the outside of a situation, when in actuality I am the script writer.  This revelation causes me to look at my words or phrases that I use in casual conversations.

I often hear the phrase, "I'm sick and tired of__________(fill in the blank please). Then the conversation proceeds to include--I don't know why I'm tired all the time.  Or, I just feel sick and the doctor can't find anything wrong with me!  Or, I think about so and so and then out of the blue, that person will call.

Are we truly the director of our own life experiences? It appears so.  We are taught to set intentions and to set goals for this very reason.  Our thoughts are like the rudders of a ship.  It steers us in the direction of the life path that we set for ourselves.  So all these synchronistic events--meaningful coincidences--are just tell tale signs that we have the volition to choose, choose, choose and to choose Anew once again!


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