

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream", quoted by Edgar Allan Poe.

Understanding vibration consciously is the bridge that brings both worlds, the physical and spiritual together. 
E=mc2 is Einstein's interpretation of Energy on one side of the equation and on the other side is mass and light that we perceive.  Energy is always vibrating.  What appears solid is only the rate of molecules vibrating slower.

Energy emits a frequency, electrical waves that extends beyond us and to those around us.  Emotion and feeling emits vibration and so does thought.  Thought is always emoting something.  It is a vibratory pattern in the liquid crystal of our bodies.  Everything that you observe with your physical sense is a vibrational interpretation of your thoughts.

Thought placed upon this formless energy causes the thing you think about to be created.  I've read this somewhere and I can't give credit where it's due.  But nonetheless, it's a very poetic statement to consider.  We are just an energy field with to power to extend ourselves with kindness and Love.

Therefore, this invisible force around us, this sole governing agency of particle, particle is matter, is  teaching us a meaningful, non-verbal language of our inner experience to awaken the language of love within our Hearts!


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